- Name: Andrew Gerald Second
- DOB: July 31, 1963
- DOD: May 11, 1988
- Special Activation Date: May 12, 1988
- Hair: Brown
- Eyes: Blue
- Mother & Father: Both Deceased
- Trade craft names: Andy Brown, F. T. Duncan
- Weapon of choice: Sig Sauer P239 DAK-40
- Years of active Military service: 6-15-1985 – 5-11-1988
- Special Military service: 5-88 Current
- Special Military service rank: Major, pay grade O05
- Marksman: Expert in both rifle and pistol
- Close quarter combat: Expert
- Specialty: Black Ops
- Military Pilot: Ch-46, CH-53, MH-60, F-14, FA-18 Qualified, also Grava
- Favorite hangout: The North Shore of Kauai
- Favorite car: Porsche 911
- Distinguishing marks: Many, including bite marks and bullet wounds along with multiple breaks and fractures.
- Awards: Andy received a presidential service badge and the Distinguished Flying Cross. Currently assigned to National Air and Space Intelligence Center (NASIC): Wright Paterson AFB, OH.
- Currently: On assignment
- Trivia: In the beer can collection that his former wife threw into the trash, there was a Henry Weinhard’s Beer Can and an Apache Export Beer Cone Top Can.
Live Wire (A Jake Savage Novel) 2013
Down Twisted (A Jake Savage Novel) 2015
Secrets of the Tim Man (A Jake Savage Novel) 2016
Titanpointe (A Jake Savage Novel) 2019